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Committee Overview

The CUP Committee provides key insights into local and regional issues and will help to identify feasible implementation strategies to address compatibility. The committee is critical in helping establish and maintain relationships between key stakeholders, communities, and the CUP development team.

The CUP Committee includes:

  • Wright-Patterson Regional Council of Governments
  • Elected officials/subject matter experts from the various communities and organizations in the CUP project area:
    • City of Fairborn
    • City of Beavercreek
    • City of Dayton
    • City of Huber Heights
    • City of Riverside
    • Bath Township
  • Dayton Development Coalition
  • Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Miami Conservancy District
  • Congressman Turner’s Office
  • Leadership and staff from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Copyright Matrix Design Group, 2022

The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Comptility Use Plan was prepared under contract with financial support from the Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. The content reflects the views of the Wright-Patterson Council of Governments and the jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations involved in the development of the plan and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.

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