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Two public meetings were conducted at critical points throughout the Wright-Patterson AFB CUP.  The meetings included presentations and open house-style activities to inform participants and obtain their input on the project.  A summary of the two meetings is described below.

Meeting #1: Project Initiation

The first workshop introduced the public to the CUP, explained compatibility, and provided an opportunity for community input. This meeting was conducted as an Open House with stations by topic so that the public could learn about the impact and value of Wright-Patterson AFB and provide input on important issues and opportunities relative to the base. Interactive mapping and survey exercises were conducted at the Open House.

Meeting #2: Final Recommendations

The second workshop presented the Public Draft CUP, including recommendations and how the public can review and provide comments. The Public Draft CUP report organization was explained, as were key issues and recommendations to address them.

Copyright Matrix Design Group, 2022

The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Compatibility Use Plan was prepared under contract with financial support from the Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. The content reflects the views of the Wright-Patterson Regional Council of Governments and the jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations involved in the development of the plan and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.