Project Overview
What is the Compatibility Use Plan?
The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (AFB) Compatibility Use Plan (CUP) is a collaborative planning effort sponsored by the City of Fairborn with participation from Wright-Patterson AFB and surrounding communities to address and enhance compatibility between the military and the communities.
The planning effort directly benefits both Wright-Patterson AFB and the surrounding area by:
Improving communication and coordination between Wright-Patterson AFB and community leaders for sustained collaborative planning efforts and partnerships
Preserving long-term, compatible resource use between Wright-Patterson AFB and surrounding jurisdictions;
Supporting military readiness and the nation’s defense;
Enhancing resiliency and preserving environmentally sensitive lands and natural resources;
Protecting the health and safety of area residents and workers;
Fostering growth and development and the economic vitality of local communities;
Providing tools to assist in land use planning and decision-making.
What Are the Goals and Objectives of the CUP?
The primary goal of the CUP is to identify challenges and opportunities in sustaining both the military mission and local economic growth and development. The objectives of the CUP process are threefold:

Bring together community and military representatives to discuss and clarify compatibility issues in an open forum that considers community and military perspectives and needs.

Encourage cooperative land use and resource planning among the military and surrounding communities to ensure compatible community growth while reducing operational impacts on lands within the CUP Plan Area.

Provide a set of mutually supported tools and procedures through which local jurisdictions, agencies, the military, and other stakeholders can implement appropriate recommendations developed during the CUP.
What the Wright-Patterson AFB CUP Assessed
The Wright-Patterson AFB CUP focused on the existing development context, mechanisms for improving planning coordination, and opportunities for mutually beneficial growth. The Plan provides project partners, stakeholders, and the public:
An assessment of existing land uses, potential growth areas, and economic development opportunities around Wright-Patterson AFB;
Information to assist surrounding communities in making informed decisions regarding compatible development;
Recommended strategies for addressing identified compatibility issues and promoting compatible land use planning around Wright-Patterson AFB and in surrounding communities.
What Is Compatibility?
Compatibility, in relationship to military readiness, is the balance and/or compromise between community and military needs and interests. The goal of compatibility planning is to promote an environment in which both entities can thrive through mutually beneficial, collaborative, and coordinated planning and resource use.
Compatibility Factors
Compatibility Factors are general categories, or types, of compatibility issues that can arise from growth and development near military installations. A set of 25 Compatibility Factors will be used as a framework for identifying the specific issues impacting Wright-Patterson AFB, surrounding jurisdictions, and/or other area stakeholders and to direct the development of appropriate mitigation strategies. Although issues about all 25 Factors may not be identified in the Plan Area, the approach ensures a comprehensive dialog and assessment of all potential concerns.

Air Qualty

Anti-Terrorism/ Force Protection

Biological Resources

Communication/ Coordination

Cultural Resources

Dust/Smoke/ Steam

Energy Development

Frequency Spectrum Capacity

Frequency Spectrum Impedance/ Interference

Housing Availability

Infrastructure Extensions

Land / Air Space Competition

Land Use

Legislative Initiatives

Light and Glare


Public Services

Public Trespassing


Roadway Capacity


Scarce Natural Resources

Vertical Obstructions


Water Quality/ Quantity
What Are Compatible Use Recommendations?
The Wright-Patterson AFB CUP provides consensus-based recommendations that stakeholders can implement to address identified compatibility issues and guide future compatible development. Recommendations range from formalizing communication protocols and notification requirements to policy and regulatory changes.
Understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be appropriate for the entire Plan Area, project stakeholders developed recommendations to ensure tailored options meet community-specific needs. With the completion of the CUP, it is critical for stakeholders to move forward with implementing the recommendations.
The Implementation Plan includes these recommendations, as well as suggested lead agencies, potential funding sources, and timelines for implementation to facilitate the next stage of compatibility planning. The Implementation Plan is a non-binding, working playbook from which Plan partners can adopt and adapt practical strategies for their interests and needs confident in mutual benefits and outcomes.

Copyright Matrix Design Group, 2022
The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Compatibility Use Plan was prepared under contract with financial support from the Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. The content reflects the views of the Wright-Patterson Regional Council of Governments and the jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations involved in the development of the plan and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.