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Public Open House #1 Held

The first Public Open House for the Wright-Patterson AFB Compatibility Use Plan Public was held on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 6:00 PM, at Spark-Fairborn, in the City of Fairborn. The Open House provided an opportunity for attendees to learn about the CUP project, Wright-Patterson AFB’s contribution and importance to the region, regional community demographic and economic information, and included a Community Questionnaire that participants completed to explain their knowledge and relationship to Wright-Patterson AFB and maps to identify issues or concerns with Wright-Patterson AFB operations and their community.     


Welcome to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (AFB) Compatibility Use Plan (CUP) website!

The Wright-Patterson AFB CUP is a collaborative planning effort sponsored by the Wright-Patterson Council of Governments with participation from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the surrounding communities in Greene, Montgomery, and Clark Counties. These communities aim to identify and address compatibility issues related to their shared interests with Wright-Patterson AFB through a collective effort by regional, local, and participating public stakeholders.

As the CUP evolves, this website will be your primary source for all project-related materials and event information. You can provide input on the project here as well!

What's New?

Check back for more information as the project proceeds.

Copyright Matrix Design Group, 2022

The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Comptility Use Plan was prepared under contract with financial support from the Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. The content reflects the views of the Wright-Patterson Council of Governments and the jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations involved in the development of the plan and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.

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