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Two public meetings will be conducted at critical points throughout the Wright-Patterson AFB CUP.  The meetings may include a mix of presentations and open house-style activities to provide information to attendees and obtain input on the project.  A summary of the two planned meetings is described below.

As meeting dates and locations are set, information and meeting materials will be posted on this project website.  As the project progresses, links to the agendas and materials from previous meetings will also be posted for easy access and follow-up review. All project materials will remain on the website for the duration of the project.

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Meeting #1: Project Initiation

The first workshop will introduce the public to the CUP and obtain input on compatibility findings identified in the Plan. This meeting will begin with a presentation to the public, followed by an interactive working session where attendees will be invited and encouraged to give their input on compatibility issues.  

Meeting #2: Final Recommendations

The second workshop will present the public draft CUP, including recommendations, for review and comment.  The public in attendance will be encouraged to provide feedback during the meeting.

Copyright Matrix Design Group, 2022

The Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Comptility Use Plan was prepared under contract with financial support from the Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation. The content reflects the views of the Wright-Patterson Council of Governments and the jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations involved in the development of the plan and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.

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